LVNV Funding LLC
LVNV Funding, LLC
Being Sued by LVNV Funding, LLC in New York?
LVNV Funding, LLC is a consumer debt purchaser located in Las Vegas and incorporated in Delaware. According to the company's website, LVNV Funding, LLC outsources the management of the debts that they purchase to a third-party agency, Resurgent Capital Services LP. If you have been called or received a letter concerning a debt purchased by LVNV Funding, LLC, it most likely was sent by Resurgent, although they in turn often outsource the collection activities to other agencies. When we get involved in the case, we will investigate all parties to determine whether any of them may have violated your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) or other applicable state and federal statutes.
Some examples of cases in which LVNV Funding, LLC has been found to blame in their collection activities include:
- LVNV Funding, LLC, along with its attorneys at Rubin & Rothman, LLC, were ordered to pay a penalty of $10,000 for filing a frivolous lawsuit without documentary evidence
- LVNV Funding, LLC was accused in a federal lawsuit of violating the FDCPA by failing to disclose the date on which the debt in question was incurred
- In two recent cases, LVNV Funding, LLC lost the suit after it was established that they had failed to register as a debt collector in the state where the collection activities occurred
Don't let LVNV Funding, LLC or any other debt collection agency intimidate you into paying debts you don't owe or ruin your credit by winning a lawsuit based on false information or insufficient information. Contact us now at Lebedin Kofman LLP for a case evaluation to discuss the matter and learn about your legal options.

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